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Newly Formatted Images and Collections

With a herculean effort, 15 hours today alone, I was able to update all the images on the website in the last three days.  All 780 of them.  LOL.  Well, the website looks much better now, so it was worth the time put into it. I've also added several new collections and listed all products by vendor in the left hand column.  This should make it much easier to browse.   --Lacy

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Why Fizz Bits

You know that product that you love to use, the one you got at your local store but now you're having trouble finding? You're probably thinking, “Yeah, they stopped making it because I liked it”.   We call those products FizzBits, they're the bits that are fizzling away into oblivion and we've worked hard to make them available to you... while supplies last.

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